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What We Still Dont Know - Episode 3: Are We Real ? Part 1 of 5

MiwoshMiwosh·39 vídeos
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Subido el 25/11/2009

"What We Still Don't Know" (2004) With Martin Rees
Season 1, Episode 3: Are We Real? Part 1 of 5

Are We Real?
There is a fundamental chasm in our understanding of ourselves, the universe, and everything. To solve this, Sir Martin takes us on a mind-boggling journey through multiple universes to post-biological life. On the way we learn of the disturbing possibility that we could be the product of someone elses experiment.

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  • snooters

    I was eating scrambled eggs when that juicy brain appeared.

    · 4
  • charleneaponte1

    @merjobrothers Yes, but do you know why they changed the formulae for Coke; or why Justin Beiber is popular.


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  • MovieGuyes

    this guy is so fucking creepy ..

  • Kat Andri

    3:45 nice cock lol

  • Konphetty

    Life is so interesting and mysterious! Its actually mindfucking me if I think about life

  • azzy314159

    @merjobrothers You should already know. You said so. Why ask me?

  • azzy314159

    @merjobrothers The smallest POSSIBLE mass is not a singularity. The square root of one is one. the square root of minus one is undefined. I doubt thst there is any thing that you can tell me that I dont know already. Possibly i can tell you what YOU dont know.

    A singularity is a mathematical concept and has no analogue in the real world as we understand the real world. Science at this level is merely playing semantic games.

  • azzy314159

    @merjobrothers Oh ! So you are God !

  • Airyphyla


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